Thursday, October 20, 2016

A bike rider!

Xander on his own!  He did NOT want to learn how to ride a bike, after a plethora of falls in Sacramento.  But when a screw was loose on his scooter wheel, he told me, "I guess I'll just have to learn how to do this without the training wheels."  And he did. I'm a big believer in there being no such thing as a "late bloomer," or "early bloomer." It's just when people are ready, or not.  And yesterday he was ready.


  1. Xander, I am so proud of you! You like a real pro sitting there on your bike. Mazel tov! I can't wait to see you ride. I love you bunches. Bubby

  2. Hey Xander! You look like a pro on that bike. Isn't it great to be able to go far and give your feet a rest?

  3. I agree, Michal. We all come to things in our own time.

  4. I agree, Michal. We all come to things in our own time.
