Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Our Florida addition

Behind the family is a new mango tree, in a pot.  It has been dubbed "Mandy the mango tree," after our friend in Sacramento.  Kind of an odd naming-after, but hey, it keeps him in our thoughts!  

And we're all really looking forward to the mangos. :)


  1. Tit-chad-SHOO (congratulations) on your new Mango tree! How neat -- you step out the door and pick a mango! Nothing tastes so good as fresh home-grown fruit. Enjoy!!!

  2. Hey! What's this?! Xander, you are SO TALL!!! Up to your dad's chest!
    How old are you now -- 11? 12? No, don't tell me you're not yet 7!!!!!!

  3. What a wonderful tribute to Mandy and if this tree produces fruit like Mandy shared his caring, concern, and love, then you will have big, delicious Mandy Mangoes for a very long time!

    And Xander, how did you get so tall so fast?! Have you been on a growing spurt??? Ari, I can't see your beautiful face!

    Love you all.
