Monday, October 26, 2015

Sports thoughts

The older boys and I changed into swimsuits yesterday to get into the pool, but OY.  Was it cold.  So we changed our minds and played in the backyard instead.

At one point I started singing random songs for everyone to sing along.  And during "Take me out to the ballgame," Xander kept interrupting to ask questions.  

His questions reflected both a keen intellect, being born in 2008, and an utter lack of knowledge of sports.

"Why did they root for the home team?  Why is it a shame?  Why is one team better than the other team?"

"What are cracker jacks?"

"What does it mean to have three strikes?"

After I explained the latter, he was silent, thinking, then said decisively, "That's just like kickball!"


  1. Some claim the definition of Americanism is Motherhood, Apple Pie, and Baseball. Xander hasn't yet experienced baseball---a hole in his education.
    Once he gets out there to root for the home team, his cheers will drown out all questions. My problem is that I don't know what kickball is.
