Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My little composer

The family was singing Hanukkah songs, and all three boys were dancing with enthusiasm in the dining room as we belted out "I have a little dreidel, I made it out of clay."

Then our middle child Ari the Imaginative, four and a half years old, starts to sing his own version, totally off the top of his head:

If I were a dreidel,
 I'll tell you what I'd do 
I'd spin around a million times 
so I could play with you!

The next day I pick him up from school and he has a big smile on his face.  "I'm an artist!" he proclaims.  "My teachers told me so!"

I would agree.  :)

Eta: so it turns out it's another song he learned in school that I didn't know.  Oops.


  1. No oops necessary. He remembered it, had fun sharing it. And it doesn't take away from his creativity at all.

    I'm thrilled that he has such a supportive teacher....someone who recognizes his talents and TELLS him. So, so important!

    Missing you all.

  2. Well, here I am at a loss. Janet said EVERYTHING that I wanted to say, so all I can say now is Ditto, Ditto....

    Kol haKavod to our Artist Ari!!!!! Bravo!!!
