Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Brotherly conversations

Overheard while getting undressed for a bath:

C, pointing to A's skinned knee with a scab: "Oh no, boo-boo!"
A: "Yep, it's a boo-boo.  But it's okay, it doesn't hurt any more."
C, nodding.  He points to a dot on A's foot: "Boo-boo!"
A: "No, Connor, that's not a boo-boo.  That's a freckle."
C: "Boo-boo!"
A: "Freckle!"
C: "Feffle boo-boo?"
A: "No, freckle freckle."

Jonathan and I nearly died trying to hold in our laughter.

And then the two older boys had a fascinating conversation that evening at dinner:

Me: "So, I hear you guys watched Mary Poppins today."
X: "We did!  But not the whole thing."
Me: "Did you see the part where they sing on the chalk drawings on the sidewalk?"
X: "They went IN the chalk drawings!"
A pipes in: "Yep, she's a witch!"
Me, confused: "Mary Poppins is a witch?"
A: "Yes. She flies and is magical."
X: "Just cuz she flies doesn't mean she's a witch! She doesn't have a broomstick.  And she's good. She has good magic."

I don't remember the rest of what they said, but it touched on good versus bad magic, superheroes, and more.  All in good fun!


  1. I love hearing the way the boys interact with each other. I love the way they expand each other's horizons!

    Truth is, I learn a lot from their observations! That "freckle boo-boo Freckle-freckle" is stuck in my brain forever!

  2. Freckle freckle......makes me smile every time! And every time is a lot. I must have read this post at least 50 times already!

    and the Mary Poppins talk. Yes, Xander! She does good magic. I love Mary Poppins!!!!
