Thursday, March 10, 2016

Getting a dog... one day

Suzanne, our executive director, fosters puppies.

Ari and Connor went to visit her office.

Connor was terrified and clung to my leg.

Ari is the perfect kid for a dog.  He's Tom Sawyer for the new age.


  1. I don't think I've ever seen Ari so delighted. Now I can't stop smiling. <3

  2. Has Ari ever been so totally, happily engaged and engrossed, with the adorable puppies responding in kind? They're made for each other!

    Xander with his snakes...Ari with his pups! (Of course, pups grow up to be dogs, which, I have a hunch, would please Ari muchly...I can see him with his loyal friend.)

    1. oh my goodness! i wrote my 2nd comment before I saw your comment, Mom!

  3. You have both a snake whisperer and a puppy whisperer in your house. I adore them both.

  4. Ari is seriously jones-ing for a dog. One day! You both are right, he'd adore one.

  5. oh my goodness. I can't stop looking at this post! Ari's joy is infectious. I can HEAR him giggling.
