Friday, April 8, 2016

Engineering for Kids

Xander is taking an Engineering for Kids after-school class, and is over the moon about it.  It's an 8 week course that explores each type of engineering: mechanical, electrical, chemical, etc.  This past week was electrical: he came home with a battery covered with foil, alligator clips, a light bulb, and a bunch of gizmos.

He was SO excited to show me what conducted electricity and what didn't, and to explain the negative and positive charges to me.  We talked about what conducted better, thin or thick materials, we experimented on pennies and zippers and plastic and magnets, etc.

The kid explained things to me that I honestly didn't know.  I'm not quite sure how I feel about that! :)

1 comment:

  1. You're a rabbi, not an engineer. So be happy and proud that you and Jonathan are making opportunities available to your sons experiences that bring out the best in them and give them opps to discover things about the world and about themselves. For you it was travel. For Xander, it's this. And you'll discover what it is for Ari and Connor. They are blessed to have you both for parents. So just smile and qvell. You will learn from all your boys and they will continue to learn from you and Jonathan. You both have different things to offer. <3 <3 <3
