Saturday, May 28, 2016

And we have internet! So here are month-old pictures...

Mom got Xander a set of science experiments.  One of them is everything about bubbles.  This particular activity is using soap and food coloring to make bubble art.  All 3 boys were fascinated.

More bubble art.

Me for our casual "Yom Haatzmaut" (Israeli Independence Day) Shabbat

Mother's Day brunch with the two littles.  That same day I had lunch with X at his school.  Man the elementary is big!  I was shocked by the noise level.  The ECC is much more manageable.

More science experiments.  This is red food coloring, oil and water.  Mix it all together then watch it separate.

Toddler tantrum.  Why?  Because we left the car to go inside the "old house," not "new house."  (He was very obsessed with "new house" until we got to it and it's not nearly as organized, and now he wants to move back to the old one.)

Me helping Xander find the adverb in his sentence. 

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!! A post!!!! Love the pics and the English lesson. And I'm so pleased that the boys like the science experiments!!! Love and miss you all. Bubby
