Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Book review

I finished the Call the Midwife trilogy of books.  My mom passed them onto me, since she and I both were into the show.  How fun!  It really did do what she set out to do, which was to accomplish for midwives what James Herriot did for vets.  The only negative thing about the books was that it so often made me cry at the sheer poverty that she encountered.  The fact that people could be in such dire straits in the 1950s and 1960s, and then that that kind of destitution can exist today... it makes me shudder, and want to get involved politically to change it.


  1. Well, if the books affected you that way, the author certainly did her job. Plus, she honored midwives in a way that no one had done before or has done since. I loved that we shared the TV series and the books! After reading all the books, I went back and watched the series again, the second time seeing things that I'd missed before and understanding nuances that flew by me the first time. We should do this again! Loved sharing the experience with you. <3 <3 <3

  2. I have read only the first Midwife book, and find that it gives me a deeper appreciation of the films which I enjoy so much. The book describes the dire socio-economic conditions that confronted England as a result of the years of bombing it suffered during the Second World War. So reading the book revealed the horrific background that led to the hopeless poverty and desperation that the midwives had to deal with. Having that knowledge deepens my appreciation
    for the movie series which was faithful to the book.
