Monday, August 1, 2016

Changing tables, birthdays, and pop culture

So many little things going on that make up our life.

1) We gave away the changing table!  And the little potties!  Connor still has accidents occasionally, but we are DONE, and we have the lack of furniture to prove it.

2) Jonathan turned 46.  We celebrated with cake and hanging out, then got a babysitter to go to a fun temple social event, and we saw the new Star Trek movie.  No spoilers here, but overall, I have to say I was really disappointed.  What I love about the Trek universe is the scientific lingo and the characterizations. I felt like both of those were missing, or were much less than they could have been.  It was a good action movie, but it wasn't Star Trek.

The cake was fantastic though. :)

3) Our laundry cabinet is up above the washing machines.  Yay!  The house is looking better and better.  The impact window install is scheduled for two weeks, and that will be the last of the big improvements.

4) We're all into TV escapes lately. I've been getting into Transparent.  Jonathan into Stranger Things.  Both of watching True Blood together.  Can't go wrong with vampire drama. :)

5) Temple life is amazing.  Working with our new cantor is a dream.  I can't say enough good things about her.

And now to pick up Xander from camp...


  1. This picture says it all. Xander is all smiles for the camera. Jonathan has all her ever wanted....a wife who loves him and children. Connor is paying attention to the car in his hands. And Ari is all about the cake!

  2. Great upbeat post! I'm so glad Jan described the picture. It is too dark for me to see it with my cataractic vision.

  3. Where did Xander go to camp? Did he enjoy it?

    1. He went to the local city camp and loved it! Movies, swimming, games

    2. He went to the local city camp and loved it! Movies, swimming, games
