Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Our almost- 7 year old

The mother of one of Xander's friends is a photographer.  He went to their house for a playdate, and look at what she sent back!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The little things

1) Finished the sermon procrastination book:  Unchosen: The Hidden Lives of Hasidic Rebels.  It was interesting, but it was published in 2006 at the beginning of the genre's explosion, and I feel like better stuff has been written since then.

2) Blacklist Season 2 was so much better than season 1.

3) I'm thrilled to be at the point in my career where publishers send ME free books!  I received a package of a book I didn't order and did a happy dance in my office.

4) A congregant gifted us with Disney on Ice tickets!  Jonathan and Odelia went, I was leading services.  They had an amazing time.

5) Jonathan's ankle is not broken, hooray!  "Just" torn ligaments.

Full recovery expected in 6-8 weeks.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Geek parent moment

Ari complained for the umpteenth time today, "It's not fair!  You're being mean!"

Jonathan replied: "Ari, you say something isn't fair when you don't get what you want.  That's not what it means."

And then Joanthan and I both chanted spontaneously, completely in unison, in full accent: "I do not think that word means what you think it means!"  And we cracked up.

(To my non-geek family: it's a Princess Bride reference!)

We watched the movie with Xander - he totally got it. :)

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Shabbat star

When someone is the "Shabbat star" of their classroom for the week, they sit up on the bima with their families, bring the grape juice and challah to class, and read a story.

Two weeks ago, Connor was the star.  The preschool director gave an adorable speech about how Rabbi Loving wasn't on the bima today because Rabbi is also a Mommy, so we wave "Bye, Rabbi!" and say, "Hello, Mommy!"  So I sat with the kids like any other mom, and she and the Cantor led it all.  It was lovely.

The Loving family, sans eldest boy (he's at another school, remember).  Connor's attempt to "say cheese!" looked more like a pirate saying "aargh!"

Connor is getting his molars in, can you tell?

The Shabbat stars hold the Torahs during our "Torah service"!

Sitting at the snack table waiting for his plate, back in class.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Making Daddy better (by Jonathan)

(Note: Jonathan sprained his ankle yesterday tripping over a toy shofar)

So my son Ari, without my knowledge, has gained some training in voodoo healing. With great confidence he placed healing objects around me. Apparently blue and white objects (but not yellow! ) have powerful healing properties. But placement was also important. As I came to find out, it was critical for the airplanes to be on my nipples for them to work their magic.

For 10 minutes Ari, assisted by Xander, carefully selected and placed objects around me for his healing ritual. Connor meanwhile offered me his partially eaten English muffin.

They really know how to make me feel loved.

Healing ritual objects

Xander and Ari spontaneously giving my ankle kisses to make it feel better.  Connor watches, Osher cuddles.

Preschool pics

Connor making apple art

Ari making a color chart with Skittles

Friday, September 25, 2015

Ice cream with Doda (Aunt) Odelia

Cherry Smash: our boys are in the back.  Connor was napping at home with Jonathan.

Carnival mirror!

Fascinated.  Something is always moving and making noise everywhere you look.

So much to say, Ari.

It's a crazy place. 

Ice cream selfie.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Yom Kippur is OVER!

And I am admittedly relieved.  It was wonderful, but exhausting.

If anyone is interested, you can read all of my sermons here.

For another fun part: the Executive Director at my temple is a fashionista and gives great advice.  She took me shopping, and whenever I wear an outfit to services that she picked out, I send her a picture (she's Orthodox, so actually attends somewhere else and doesn't see me in person).

This is what the pics usually look like:

All dressed in white for Camp Shabbat

Below is Kol Nidre, the night of Yom Kippur.  I obviously hadn't done my hair yet, and I was wearing Crocs because you don't wear leather on Yom Kippur, and they matched the white robe I wore all night:
Can you tell that Connor really wanted the phone?!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Cramping my style

The High Holidays need to end soon.

Doesn't the calendar know that Netflix just released a whole new slate of movies and TV shows?!  Blacklist's new season is out.  And we just got Big Bang Theory: Season 8!  

This whole Yom Kippur-planning thing is really getting in the way of my evening entertainment. :)

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Field trip... not with us

Two friends and congregants gave us the best gift ever before Rosh Hashanah: they took the kids!  Jonathan and I got a whole afternoon off.  They went with them to a Playmobile park, and sent over all these photos.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Facebook chat with a friend, from a while ago (just found it)

Looks like you are awake too? why so late?
embarrassing but true: i went to read the new jk rowling Harry Potter story on her website, and got sucked in! 2 hrs later i'm a ravenclaw with a phoenix core wand and i own a ginger cat. smile emoticon

Monday, September 14, 2015

Ah-ha! The middle child exists!

Connor pushing Ari around the kitchen.

"Smile for the camera!" I said.

Bonus Xander shot.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

A new Climbaroo

Monkey Joe's in Coral Springs.  Instead of hard equipment it's all inflatables.  But other that that, same type thing.

What else would we do with the kids on a rainy Labor Day?

Friday, September 11, 2015

Ari is so very much me sometimes

Looking at the map of the United States up on the wall:

Ari: "Mommy, where is Sacwamento?"

Me: "Right he--"

Ari: "Oh, I see it!  Where is Wong Beach?  How far is it to Bubby's house?"

Me: (points and opens my mouth)

Ari: "Fwowida's far away, isn't it?  Are we near an ocean?"

Me: "Yes, the Atlant -"

Ari: "Not the Pacific, that was in California!  Look at the islands here!  Do we have a 5 freeway in Fwowida?"

Me: "No, the 5 is in Calif..."

Ari: "I see a 5!  I see a 5! (points to the interstate in CA) But what about in Fwowida?"

This goes on for 5 minutes.

After one of his last questions, I give up and say exasperatedly, "Ari, I can't answer any of your questions, you're not letting me get a word in edgewise!  I know you're excited, but you have to let other people talk!"

Cue Jonathan laughing from the other room....

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Settling into school

Ari still refusing to pose.

Xander and a friend.  The day before, it rained horribly.  The day this picture was taken, it was dry as a bone!