Saturday, September 26, 2015

Making Daddy better (by Jonathan)

(Note: Jonathan sprained his ankle yesterday tripping over a toy shofar)

So my son Ari, without my knowledge, has gained some training in voodoo healing. With great confidence he placed healing objects around me. Apparently blue and white objects (but not yellow! ) have powerful healing properties. But placement was also important. As I came to find out, it was critical for the airplanes to be on my nipples for them to work their magic.

For 10 minutes Ari, assisted by Xander, carefully selected and placed objects around me for his healing ritual. Connor meanwhile offered me his partially eaten English muffin.

They really know how to make me feel loved.

Healing ritual objects

Xander and Ari spontaneously giving my ankle kisses to make it feel better.  Connor watches, Osher cuddles.


  1. Oh, this is really touching, Jonathan. With all that loving care and attention from Ari and Xander ,, you have to make a miraculous recovery.

    Blue cools down inflammations
    White light raises the vibration of one's consciousness and the body, bringing harmony in all aspects of one's life. Directing white into to a part of the body that needs healing is one of the fastest ways to bring about healing.

  3. Is Connor holding the shofar you tripped on?

    1. I hadn't even noticed that! No, it was a different one.
