Monday, October 3, 2016

Shana tovah, Happy New Year!

Apples and honey. Dinner with friends last night.  Snuggles from kids.

May it be a sweet new year for all!


  1. May this year we're entering be the best ever for you and your beloved family. Shanah Tova! I love you all.

  2. May the very best of last year be the very worst of this. Shanah tova to you and your family.

  3. Thank you, Mom and Judy. From your lips to God's ears! :)

  4. Thank you, Mom and Judy. From your lips to God's ears! :)

  5. Shana Tova! This brand new year, 5777, ushers in an exciting chapter of Back to the Future! All of you, all of us, are prepared to meet the challenges and make the most of opportunities as you seek them out.
    I predict this will be a signature year of surprises and success! I start by wishing you a healthy, happy loving New Year!

    Michal and Jonathan, Xander, Ari and Connor, please be aware that my love and admiration for all of you is constant and fervent here in far away Israel!
