Sunday, November 27, 2016


I love the small moments in life.

58 degrees outside.

I'm drinking chai.

The kids are drinking hot chocolate.

There's a crackling fire in the fireplace.

The Adventures of Milo and Otis on the TV.  (Which is hugely educational, by the way, as it's all shot with real animals, including the animal births.  I read that it took 4 years to film).



  1. Poster picture perfect! Wasn't Bubby home to take part in the pleasure? Do I see right that Connor over there on the couch is naked from the waist up?

  2. I was spending some time with Amanda. And Connor was in the buff except for socks! He's pretty warm blooded.

    1. So Connor is a feet person, like me. If my feet are dry and warm, I'm a happy camper. Others are head people who only feel warm if they're wearing a hat. Imagine Connor running around naked with a hat on his head!

      p.s. I am definitely not a naked person!
