Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Xander's 7th birthday!

His actual birthday is the 7th, but we went to Chuck E Cheese over the weekend.  


Iron Man cake by the amazing Salina at www.mycakekreations.com

Loving his cake.

Blow out the candles!

You can do it!

There was a moment of drama when Xander chose one of his friends to go into the Ticket Blaster with him, instead of Ari.  Ari assumed he would have been picked because he went in there with Xander in Sacramento.  He was so sad and Xander gave him 140 tickets he won in recompense.

Keeping Connor on my head was the only way to keep him away from The Mouse.

Birthday song.

The Mouse that posed with Xander and whom Connor loved so.

 The next day, Mom took Xander to Toys R Us to pick a birthday present for himself.  (A Nerf gun, of course.)  But he insisted on getting presents for both of his brothers!  Ari got a smaller Nerf gun and he picked the car transporter above for Connor, so they wouldn't feel badly.  He's a real mensch.

(Xander was crushed when his Nerf gun broke after the first use.  Back to Toys R Us for us tomorrow.)

1 comment:

  1. Marvelous pictures of each and every one of you! The atmosphere of happy celebration comes through in every shot. That birthday cake was the cake to dwarf all cakes for all time!!!!

    Yes, Xander has grown up beyond the boundaries of family so his friends are included in his wider choices! But the essence pf Xander is Empathy, Loyalty and Generosity.....imagine! he couldn't enjoy his own birthday present without sharing with his brothers! Xander was born a Mench.... these qualities can't be learned.
