Wednesday, February 10, 2016

January 22nd Installation photos

Again, not so much with the captions.  But basically: there was a photo shoot.  And a pre-service dessert reception.  Then a procession into the sanctuary with myself, my family, my mentor Rabbi Alexis Berk, and the temple leadership.  Then there was the service with a covenant piece between me and the congregation, and speeches by temple and URJ representatives, the mayor, and Rabbi Berk and myself. Then at the end they completely surprised me by blasting Star Wars music and having me accompanied down the aisle by Stormtroopers!  The oneg was completely Star Wars-themed.  It was an AMAZING night.  I felt utterly cherished and loved.

Sheryl and Jane




Rabbi Berk

Waiting to process in


Welcome by the Rabbinic Search Committee

Candles by Installation Underwriters

Lori leading the dancing to Miriam's Song in the aisles!

Passing the Torah from all past-presidents to me

Rabbi Berk's sermon

My response

Covenantal piece

Priestly blessing

Giving me a gift on behalf of the congregation

A shtender to hold my prayerbook!

Jay giving a speech on behalf of the URJ

Mayor of Coral Springs

Co-President of Early Childhood Center

Noah the videographer

Closing song

Cue the Star Wars music

The moment I saw the Storm Troopers

Being escorted to oneg

Each plastic piece was hand-made by Lauren: she did 12 of them!

The cake wasn't to eat, but was "Reserved for Rabbi Loving and her family"

Root beer floats!

Going nuts with the Pixie sticks, aka "Jakku sand"

Lauren the party planner

Cheering with Mom

Carol, chair of the Installation committee

The next night we had a party for the out-of-towners, and served the cake!


  1. Thank you for this extensive post which enables me to participate in the incredible, unforgettable Installation Celebration! Gazing at these photographs I experience the solemnity of the beautiful Service of Commitment followed by astonishing surprises and joyous excitement of the Oneg. A truly unforgettable evening!!!

    If you want to see what my face looked like as I spooled from picture to picture, look at numbers
    58, 72 and 80. Honestly, I was never able to shut my mouth or stop squealing!!!!!
