Sunday, June 26, 2016

Nicole and Joe live in FL!!!


They're on one coast of Florida and we're on the other.  We attempted to meet in the middle.

(There is no "middle."  The middle of South Florida is Everglades.  At some points "River of Grass."  At others more typical swamp. Marsh. Bayou. Pick a synonym.)

The road that crosses the mid-point is called Alligator Alley.

Pic of GPS saying "Alligator," as I missed the picture of the road sign

Other names were just as amusing.

"Snake Road"

We met a Children's Museum, and it was awesome.  Kinda crazy to realize that we had never met their daughter, nor they our two youngest children. The last time we saw each other was when Jonathan and I were in NY for a conference, and Xander was 10 months old.

After the museum, we went  for dinner to eat yummy food and wish Nicole a happy belated birthday.  I encouraged Xander and Ari to lead us in HaMotzi, the prayer before eating, and while they were busy shaking their heads no, two year-old Zara took up the call and started singing instead.  Love the #rabbiskids.

Joe reading about Star Wars to two of my three (Ari was coloring next to Nicole and Jonathan)

Zara and Connor making hummingbird noises with me.

Then home.

Asleep with Doobie, the second-generation lovey that I received when I was three months old.


  1. Here's to many more playdates and dinners together!!! Or Skype calls for now :)

  2. This post made me so happy. I didn't know about the meet-up in NY. My memories went all the way b ack to Israel.

  3. How wonderful that as families you can get back together again! I loved seeing Zara and Joe, but where are you, Nicole? I missed seeing your picture! Next time for sure!

  4. Michal is there....with Zara and Connor. And Zara is adorable, Nicole and Joe!

  5. Michal is there....with Zara and Connor. And Zara is adorable, Nicole and Joe!
