Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The power of consonants

We were in the car and saw the Autobot symbol on a car ahead of us.  The symbol, according to the Transformer mythology, means that the car is really a robot from the planet Cybertron.

Connor wanted to know when we could eat them.  He said we were saying "Autobot" wrong.

We were confused. 

Then he clarified: "Pool and Otter Pop, pool and Otter Pop!"  Meaning, swimming and a frozen treat (made without high fructose corn syrup, Mom), which we had previously discussed as being our afternoon plans.

We all cracked up and tried to explain the difference.

For the record:


Otter Pop


  1. Wahoo! That Connor is one sharp cookie!!! I don't want to tangle with him. He'd wipe the floor with me!

  2. this cracked me up and brought me back over 30 years. Do you remember, Michal, when we were driving and G and I were discussing taking the San Bernadino Frwy? From the backseat we hear you pop in with, "Sandra and Dino have their own frwy?!" We both cracked up too. Like mother, like son!
