Saturday, November 5, 2016

Visiting with Nicole and Joe

We drove over to the west coast of Florida last Sunday afternoon and had a wonderful time!  Connor and Zara are roughly the same age, and had a grand adventure playing and being preschoolers together.

Giggling on the park bench.  Look at those punims (faces).

Three out of four children saying "cheese."

For context on why only three out of four said cheese: we had a hard time with Ari at a few points.

Walking home from lunch.  "Chugga chugga chugga, chugga chugga chugga, choo choo!"

The kids made the train completely spontaneously.  My favorite is that Zara's doll is part of the line-up. :)


  1. Pure sweetness all around. I was glad to see that Ari got back into the spirit of the day as he choo-chooed all the way home with the rest of the train. Where was Connor? Napping on someone's shoulder?

  2. You have the most beautiful boys and Zara is gorgeous. She radiates when she smiles. What dolls....all of them!
