Monday, December 12, 2016

Birthday present - first bike

Jonathan and I wanted to get Connor a new tricycle as a present.  Our old one was really beat up from the previous two children, and I sometimes feel badly that almost all of what Connor owns is hand-me-downs.

So we determined to get him a new bike!

(Of course, a new Schwinn is still $100.  Don't tell him, I found a like-new and new-to-him one on Craigslist for $25).

He was SO happy here, being introduced to his bike.  Jonathan had just finished putting air in the tires, and was fixing Ari's bike next to him.

We're right outside the front yard here, and this is the exact moment when he got the pedaling motion down.  He would either pay attention to where his hands were, and steer properly, or he would look at his feet to make sure they were working right.

On the road!  And a little scared that he would run into the wall.

A terrible picture, but I don't have a better one of the three of them.  The light was in their eyes.  But hey - first family bike ride!  I'm so appreciative of California's sidewalks so we don't have to go in the street and constantly move to avoid cars.  Connor really got the hang of it, and is a speed demon now.  We go out for walks (for me) and rides (for him) all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Connor the Superman! Cycling away like a pro the first time out on his brand new bike!! Look at that big smile on his face and those sparkling eyes!!! Master of coordination!!!

    The only picture more inspiring is seeing all three boys pedaling away on their bikes together. Happily I note that they're all wearing helmets.
