Saturday, December 10, 2016

Connor's 3rd birthday

Mater and Lightning McQueen, with three candles.  It's all a young boy needs!

Blowing out the candles.

Eating yummy cake and fruit.

What awesome books!

 Unwrapping is just as fun as playing with the present.

Excitement!  He was so happy after each gift was unwrapped he hugged each person around the circle, almost every time.

Epic multi-balloon game.

Jane winds it up....

and Ari's got it!

Petting Simcha.  

I haven't written thank-you notes, but the boy LOVES every gift.  He's been playing with the toys and reading the books non-stop.  Thank you, everyone, for coming!  (and amazing how many of you avoided the camera... in hindsight it looks like only 3 people joined us, LOL)

1 comment:

  1. I can't remember ever seeing a 3-year old enjoy their birthday party as much as Connor obviously enjoyed his. What a personalized Birthday Cake!!
    These pictures are a precious ever-reliving of the event. They make me feel as if I am there, laughing and gasping and having a wonderful time.

    It was quite a spontaneous grown-up reaction for Connor to jump up and hug each person after opening their gift. What a keppeleh {head} on that kid!(Three years going on thirty!)
