Thursday, December 29, 2016

Marshmallow dreidels

My mom's FB post from a few days ago:

"The first night of Hanukkah. In preparation, Michal and I made edible marshmallow dreidels with the boys, we stocked up on sour cream and apple sauce, and I got a haircut....finally! We lit candles, Jonathan made latkes for dinner, we all sang songs, and Xander explained the true meaning of and being together. It was a wonderful evening."

The ingredients: marshmallows, Hershey's kisses, pretzel sticks, Nutella, white frosting, and blue food coloring

(with my infamous Hanukkah hat)

Xander designed and built his menorah all by himself.

Finished creations.

The grease-filled kitchen!  Dinner and dessert clogged our arteries wonderfully and was utterly delicious. :)


  1. Marvelous post. Great fun to watch the festive preparations for the Hanukkah celebration. The finished dreidels look too good to eat -- they're gorgeous. kol haKavod to you, Xander, for that magnificent menorah!

    That bare torso made me check five times to be sure it was Ari and not Connor
    Looks like you all enjoyed a happy and delicious Hanukkah celebration.

  2. We did, Mom! They were fun to make aND a popular sweet treat!
