Friday, September 11, 2015

Ari is so very much me sometimes

Looking at the map of the United States up on the wall:

Ari: "Mommy, where is Sacwamento?"

Me: "Right he--"

Ari: "Oh, I see it!  Where is Wong Beach?  How far is it to Bubby's house?"

Me: (points and opens my mouth)

Ari: "Fwowida's far away, isn't it?  Are we near an ocean?"

Me: "Yes, the Atlant -"

Ari: "Not the Pacific, that was in California!  Look at the islands here!  Do we have a 5 freeway in Fwowida?"

Me: "No, the 5 is in Calif..."

Ari: "I see a 5!  I see a 5! (points to the interstate in CA) But what about in Fwowida?"

This goes on for 5 minutes.

After one of his last questions, I give up and say exasperatedly, "Ari, I can't answer any of your questions, you're not letting me get a word in edgewise!  I know you're excited, but you have to let other people talk!"

Cue Jonathan laughing from the other room....

1 comment:

  1. Both of you full of irrepressible responsive energy. Ari, you have met your match!.
