Saturday, July 11, 2015

To answer the queries

So how do you like your new congregation?
I love it.
It's the perfect fit.
People are amazing, and kind, and unbelievably helpful.
My coworkers are stellar.
It's definitely been keeping me busy: Two Torah studies and two Shabbat morning and evening services.  One Early Childhood Center Shabbat.  Lots of committee meetings.  Two funerals, and an upcoming baby naming.  Yummy food at all these meetings.  It's really, really good.  I couldn't be happier.

How is Jonathan doing?
He's good.  He's tired, since he's doing more childcare than before and our kids take all your energy.  But he loves the congregation too.  In fact, he just went with someone from temple to a place called Underground Reptiles, and all the kids had an amazing time.  He went with my dad to the beach, and we're thinking of going to a waterpark this weekend.  The only downside for him is the water from our tap; it's still green, and it's really irritating his skin.  He's planning on making a dermatologist appointment on Monday.

How do the kids like Florida?
The older boys think camp is great.  Connor is getting used to it, but would obviously still rather be home with Daddy.  They love swim lessons, and have fun going up and down the stairs, which is novel to them.  They miss their friends at home, but they're mentioning them less and less as time goes on.

Where do you get your energy?
Caffeine!  And I know that I'm only in my 30s once... I'm trying to take advantage of it before 8 hours  of sleep becomes a true requirement. :)


  1. 1) You're off to a running start, operating on all cylinders...and rarrin' to go!
    Like you said: A perfect fit!

    2) Give Jonathan a lotta snakes and his world is complete. The green ycchhy tapwater is a real problem. Gotta get that one solved.

    3) The kids'll be Floridians in the pool, at school, at camp, and on that loooong staircase. Soon they'll be Floridians at heart.

    4) You credit caffeine but your energy really comes from that well of desire deep within you that drives you to perform. You couldn't stop if you tried..

  2. LOL - you've answered all my questions!
