Sunday, January 31, 2016

Adventures in cooking

Jonathan makes cider every year.  Usually, he wraps up the spices in cheesecloth, does the whole hog.

This year we did quick n'dirty without the cheesecloth, and a layer of guck rose to the surface.  I wasn't a fan.

I wanted an equally fast, quick n'dirty way of making it, without the layer of guck.

So I found this recipe online:

- put apple cider in crockpot
- stick lots of cloves in an orange
- put orange in crockpot, along with cinnamon sticks
- leave crockpot on for four hours

It seemed very simple.

It always seems simple.

Did you know that when one fails to note the difference between the "high" and "low" setting, even something as simple as crockpot cider can be totally messed up?

Yep, boiled cider... and a layer of guck on top.

Maybe next week I'll try again with the LOW setting.

Then again, maybe not.


  1. DO try it again. You love cider. Are you willing to simply think of it as a lesson learned? NOW you know. And also know that your rabbinate will not be famous for your ability to cook! LOL Enjoy your it again....on low. Love you.

  2. My motto is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it."
    It worked well with cheesecloth ... stick with the tried and true.
