Thursday, November 26, 2015

Connor and Elmo

Mom sent over an Elmo doll for Connor's birthday.

We gave it to him early.

Forget Corwolf.  Elmo is a true lovey in every sense of the word.

Elmo has to sit next to Connor at the table to eat with him.

He has to be with him at bedtime.

He has to come in the carseat, and every day we have to explain anew that Elmo can't come to school.  But he sits in the carseat all afternoon so Connor can hug him the moment he gets back in the car.

Elmo comes with us EVERYWHERE.  It's utterly adorable.  

(Except when Connor came into our bed at 5:30am and we heard, "Come sing the ABC's with Elmo!"  Elmo almost lost his batteries that day.)

Connor, Elmo, tired Mommy


  1. Happy Birthday, Connor! Two years old and so full of love that you lavish it on Elmo too, with fervor.

    What I never fail to wonder at, is how Jan has the gift of knowing exactly what gift to buy for anyone and everyone for any occasion!

    1. Well, Michal told me he loved Elmo.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
