Sunday, November 1, 2015

Words words words

Connor learned to say "no" a few days ago.

It's his new favorite word.

But how cool that he only learned it the month he turns two!

He also knows "app-uh," (apple), "ilk" for milk, which is what he calls yogurt, "aw-wa" for water (agua, go figure, from daycare), and "juice."  The best words of all, however, are still "uck," for truck, and "Melmo," for Elmo.

(Edited to add: Family reminded me that the list is incomplete.  He also knows how to say all of our names in his own fashion, including "doda" for Odelia and "buh-buh" for Bubby.  "Ohn" for phone, "door," and some others too.)


  1. Personally, my favorite is Bubuh....for Bubby! <3

  2. So true! And door, and a couple of others. I should have been more specific!

  3. Wow! Connor's turning out to be a real chatterbox!!!
