Monday, November 16, 2015

Potty training

It's going to be upon us very soon.

Connor points to his diaper, says "Melmo" very clearly (for Elmo, who is pictured front and center on the diapers), and then tries to take it off.  He's peed on his little frog potty multiple times!

The first time, Xander led us in Shehecheyanu.  Now it's old hat!

He won't tell anyone but me that he needs to go, though, which is a slight problem.  We put him in underwear in school, and 10 changes later, at NOON, they called me.

We're still working on it. :)


  1. ala Shakespeare: To pee or not to pee -- that is the question!

  2. I'm confused, that link seems to go to a Social Security page? What is Shehecheyanu?

    1. Oh that is hilarious! I fixed the link. I had been looking up getting a SS card for my brother and accidentally copied the wrong info! Oops.

    2. Thanks for the new link, it makes a lot more sense now. :-)
