Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Evened-out Ari

Every day makes a difference in Ari's behavior.

He is so thoughtful, and helpful, and kind sometimes now.

Other times, not so much.  His impulsivity is hard to reign in.

But at parent-teacher conferences he got such a lovely report!  He's at "exceeds expectations" for his class' standards academically in all areas, and it's not even halfway through the school year. Academically they told us how very bright he is, that he has excellent fine motor skills and is very social.  But that he has trouble focusing in large groups and he's very stubborn.  If he wants or doesn't want to do something, that's it. It's a fight.

It was a fabulous conversation.  And cemented everything we already knew. :)


  1. he's a 1! LOL (So is Connor, btw)

  2. Observing Ari's behavior, even from back when he was itty-bitty, doesn't it look like he was born with principles? I remember when he fought back at Xander who had hit him, but cried and pummeled YOU when you tried to punish Xander!

  3. Isn't it true that what is highly principled behavior sometimes looks like stubbornness?

    1. I like that idea, Savta. I'm gonna hold to that!
