Monday, November 30, 2015

Kid pride

1) The mom of one of Xander's friends told me that someone had mentioned her (7 year old) son was wearing nail polish, and was teasing him.  "Xander was a good friend," she said to both of us, "standing up for him and saying, 'I like nail polish too!'"

2) Ari comes up with the most imaginative stories ever.  About bad guys and good guys, about giant cats and little people, about buses that fly.  I love asking him, "How was your day?" because the answer I get is as likely to be about his actual day as about an idea he had that he wants to share.

3) Connor pooped in the potty today.  And at bedtime, while cuddling, he stroked my hair and said, "Happy Connor.  Happy Mama."

It's the little things in life that make me happy. :)


  1. There's absolutely nothing better than the wonderful things you listed about your sons. How blessed you all are! Sending love from Long Beach. Bubby/Mom

  2. The "little things" you mention about each of your boys makes the "big" things pale by comparison. This is not the first time that Xander has come to the support of a kid who's being bullied or harassed.

    As for Ari and his stories, he inherited that talent directly from his father! Jonathan, do you still tell your sons your fantastic serial stories at night so they have to go to sleep to hear the next chapter tomorrow?

    And Connor's "Happy Connor, Happy Mama" -- I tear up every time I recall it. Two years old, and he pushes the most sensitive buttons.

    For the Loving family, every dawn brings a bless`ed new day.
