Saturday, July 9, 2016

Cultural differences

People still ask me what the difference is between FL and CA.

I had a great example the other day.

I was buying new frames for my glasses.

I spent a long time perusing the aisles, picking one I liked.

I got to the counter to attempt to pay for it.

In CA, the cashier would have said, "Thank you," taken my money, and that would have been the end.

In south FL, this very New York older Jewish woman said, "Honey, those glasses are MUCH too big for your face!  You look like a little girl trying on her mother's glasses.  I'll be your mother today and help you.  Come with me."  And she got up from the counter and we spent another 20 minutes trying on different pairs until we found one that she liked more.

And darned if they weren't actually nicer than the ones I had originally picked!

1 comment:

  1. That mothering lady cashier would have been very much at home in Israel where you can walk into a shoe store asking for high heels, and walk out with loafers because "you don't want to ruin your beautiful feet.:"
