Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Latest update, from Jonathan

I installed an upgrade to our toilet this week. Michal approves. When I say approves, I mean cracked up and told me this is why we are married.

(Savta, the decal says, "Ministry of Magic This Way," because in the Harry Potter series, public toilets were used as a magical portal for the wizarding government.)


  1. Oh Michal! You are so tuned in to me...it's amazing!
    I couldn't read what was written on the toilet seat cover even with magnifying glasses, and had no idea of what was going on. Utter frustration!

    Then I read your explanation directed to ME, and I realized you knew that I'd be flummoxed, even though I've read all the Harry Potter books. Thank you, Love!

  2. That's awesome!!! I think I need one of those. :-D
