Monday, July 4, 2016


Jonathan picked out the best toy for all our kids, that they can all learn and play according to their abilities (though technically it was given to Ari for a reason I can't remember right now): really really cool magnets.

Ari holding a creation he made up himself.

Xander demonstrating how he makes creations by follows the instructions, making the creations flat...

then pulling them up by the center point...

until, voila, in this case, a 3-dimensional rocket.


  1. Bravo, Jonathan! You're really good at this!!!

  2. More power to you, Jonathan! You have the gift of planting the seed from which limitless gardens grow.
    The stimulation to original thinking, creativity and action that you give your boys is priceless beyond measure.

  3. That house you built, Ari, is terrific. And it looks so strong, the way you're holding it. Great idea!!!!

    Xander, those instructions must have been very complicated, and apparently you had no difficulty with them because from an interesting flat pattern, you wound up with a blast-off rocket. Yay for you!!!!

    I wonder what other fascinating structures you two are going to create! Just wait until Connor gets his hands on those Magformers! He'll come up with something surprising.

  4. Is there a difference between magformers and magna tiles? We were looking at getting magna tiles for Z's birthday but these looks similar.

    1. As far as I know, just two different brands. Magnatiles don't have the hole in the middle of each piece. Naturally, the two brands don't work together. The advice I was given was to go with the one you can find a good deal on when you want them!

    2. I completely agree! Go for the cheapest. :)
