Saturday, December 24, 2016

Cat on a hot tin roof

I heard meowing. 

I went outside.

Yentl was not happy.

Behold Yentl meowing for a valiant rescue

My first thought: Where was Rescue Bots when you needed them?

My second thought:  I'll have to get a ladder.

Third thought: Crap, the ladder doesn't reach that high.

Then the phone rang, it was our friend Joe. I told him I couldn't talk as I was trying to coax the cat off the roof.  He sounded surprised.  What, this isn't the usual answer to a phone call?  I texted him the photo to show I wasn't insane.  He reacted with proper sympathy and laughter.

15 minutes later, Jonathan made her a bridge from kindling wood (for the fireplace) and a nailgun.  

It didn't work.  

An hour later, the doorbell rang.  The neighbor's nieces and nephews were over to visit and were very concerned with the cat on the roof.  Thankfully the neighbor had a very tall ladder, and whew, Yentl was saved!

(blog title courtesy of Joe)


  1. Yentl, how you did you get yourself in such a pickle?

    Hooray for neighbors with fireman ladders, and literary friends.

  2. The pictures you posted are heartrending. Terrified little Yentl looks helplessly pathetic teetering way up there on that threatening structure. You can hear her plea: From whither cometh my salvation?
