Monday, December 5, 2016

Life is in the details

This little one understands too much.  He refuses to take naps as of last week because "Only babies take naps. I big boy!"  So, he "naps" no longer.  Bu the resting still happens, once I changed the wording.  Now he "has special cuddle time with Mommy" where I stay on the bed for three minutes and then he goes to sleep.  But the semantics make a big difference for him:

"How was your nap?" I asked him when he woke up yesterday.
"Not nap, CUDDLE!" he retorted quickly, a frown on his face.
"Oh."  I paused.  "How was your cuddle time?" 
He lit up with a smile and didn't miss a beat. "It was GREAT!"


  1. Love the story! But I'll admit that a photo of naked Connor, lounging by the fire, is not what I expected under the title, "Connor the businessman"!!

    1. Lol that was an editing error! I mixed up posts. Thanks for pointing it out. :)

  2. That picture of Connor lunging naked by the fire would win a prize in a photo contest. It looks like an advertisement for ..... you name the product, it could be any of so many.

    But this is one kiddie you're going to have to reckon with on an adult level. A snuggle is in no way connected to a babyish nap, even if it's a sleepy dreamy snuggle. Cuddly is Connor's middle name!
