Tuesday, December 13, 2016

One-upped in logic by a 5 year-old

There is a space in the older boys' bunk bed, right underneath the stairs, that Ari has adopted as his "secret spot."  Tonight, Connor was hiding in it.

Ari was furious.

"That's MY spot!" he cried.

It was an issue.

It was a discussion.

I tried to explain that it was a physical space that was available to everyone.  

I was glad that Ari had found a space in this house that he felt so comfortable in, but I couldn't, and wouldn't, stop Connor from checking it out once in a while if Ari was in another room.

This did not go down well with Ari.

"I'm not going to bed until you say it's mine!!" he said.

By this point I was frustrated, about to lose my temper, and as such, was not thinking clearly.  

I started to say, "Well, then, you're never going to..." and then Ari's eyes lit up.  I paused, and rewound my sentence in my head.  

I had to laugh at myself.  "Ohhh, this is a lose-lose conversation for me, isn't it?"

1 comment:

  1. Kids have their principles, and they're smart too. A parent is called upon to be King Solomon almost daily. "taint easy. But one thing is for sure: if you lose your cool, you lose your case.
