Sunday, December 4, 2016

Garage organizing

The garage was covered wall to wall with boxes.  Then Jonathan had a brilliant idea: make a loft area out of the rafters.  He bought plywood and laid down floor, like so:


Then he added crossbeams.  Then we added 30 boxes.  Then we kept reorganizing.

And voila!  More than room to walk.


  1. Is that an open shelf running around the back and sides of the garage at an elevated height? It's a brilliant idea for storage. Everything up there is in full view and easily accessible.

    The structure has lived so many lives since it started out being a simple two-car garage.

  2. Yes, Mom. When I converted the garage apt back to a standard garage several years ago, I had them build a shelf across both side walls and the back wall. It's been very useful.

    1. Kudos to you, Janet. That is nothing short of genius.

      That versatile garage holds stories that could fill a shelf of best-selling novels.
