Tuesday, December 20, 2016

X's winter play

He was participating in the musical titled, "It's Electric!" about electricity, volts, and Alessandro Volta (who I had to look up when I get home).  I love this new school.

Even more excitedly for Xander, he won two gift baskets at the raffle, both full of  Minecraft Lego.


  1. Xander was amazing in the play. He sang every word, did all the hand and body motions, and danced every step! I asked him how he learned it all so quickly seeing that he'd just started at the school the week before and he replied, "Well, Bubby, I've been at this school for 8-1/2 days and I learned it all in 8!"

  2. Xander has been on the stage before and has always performed like a pro. He's a natural!!! The big change is that now he's at a school which challenges him on every level of learning....scientific, mathematical, cultural, literary, social .....you name it!

    Go Xander! I am so so proud of you! I Love you bunches!
