Monday, December 19, 2016

Discovered a new park

Jonathan was on fire playing zombie - he chased the two littles all around.  We didn't take any pictures, we were too busy having fun.

Once we got home though:

We put on Superman II and Connor conked out 30 minutes in.  Ari followed 10 minutes later.  

Xander, on the other hand watched the whole movie and thought it was great. :)


  1. Glad to hear that you all had fun. Connor, out cold on the chair, is the picture of total exhaustion after total exhilaration. Did you ever try that gambit before bedtime at night???

    Hey, where's the new park? What's it like?

    1. It's on Ball Rd, and it has a play structure for both older and smaller children. Quite nice. :)
